We have learned from the shadows to see and recognize that in the midst of those tones there is life, and that we walk square meters that we did not know existed. We look more at the ceilings and the floor, we see the imperfections in the corners and we contemplate with admiration their tedious beauty; the bodies merge into them, these ephemeral spaces we were forced to assume as home.
Jenna Mann has accompanied us with her diary during these weeks, and today we close her cycle with these beautiful postcards of her confinement with her partner. Their light and especially their shadows have illuminated us and, we can say, protected from failing creativity. Jenna has given us her world to read to us through her, and she has succeeded.
Thank you!



De las sombras hemos aprendido a ver, y reconocer que en medio de esos tonos hay vida, y que recorremos metros cuadrados que no sabíamos que existían. Miramos mas a los techos y al suelo, vemos las imperfecciones en las esquinas y contemplamos con admiración su tediosa belleza, y los cuerpos se funden en ellos, en esos espacios efímeros que nos han obligado a asumir como hogar.
Jenna Mann nos ha acompañado con su diario durante estas semanas, y hoy cerramos su ciclo con estas hermosas postales de su encierro con su pareja. Su luz y especialmente sus sombras nos han iluminado y podríamos decir, protegido de fallar a la creatividad. Jenna nos ha brindado su mundo para leernos a través de ella, y lo ha conseguido.