Marjolaine Vuarnesson is a self-taught photographer from Paris. She began her artistic activity in 1994 and she was only 15 during the time of her first exhibition. This year Marjolaine had a retrospective exhibition with all her works for the last 20 years in Rastoll Gallery in Paris.
Marjolaine first worked with a digital camera, and then in 2015 she restart analog photography with the old Minolta of her grandfather and a Canon AV-1.
When I was young, my grandfather had a polaroid 610, I remember it was a magical moment to see the picture develop. I still have this camera, but I found a SX- 70 which allows me to manage the composition of the image with its reflex sight. I modified this camera to make the macro.
Always eager to explore new techniques, Marjolaine has learned the emulsion lift.
It is with this technique that the series that we present are made. The series are called “Déchirures” (“Tears”) and they have been exposed in Expolaroid 2016. The series speak about the age metamorphosis the author feels she has passed through.
Today Marjolaine is working on a new series that will be again exhibited in the Rastoll Gallery in Paris in April 2017.
Marjolaine Vuarnesson es una fotógrafa autodidacta Parisina. Comenzó su carrera artística en 1994, y tan sólo tenía 14 años cuando expuso por primera vez. Este año, Marjolaine hizo una exhibición retrospectiva con trabajos de los últimos 20 años en la Rastoll Gallery de Paris.
Cuando era joven, mi abuelo tenía una Polaroid 610, recuerdo que ver la imagen aparecer fue un momento mágico. Todavía tengo esa cámara, pero encontré una SX-70 qhe me permite controlar la composición de la imagen gracias a su reflex sight. Modifiqué esta cámara para añadirle macro.


Expolaroid 2016