Fritz is a guitarist from Berlin, Ester is a cellist from Figueres, together they are a group that has caught our attention, from close they sound like Sigur Rós with some echoe style of Russian Red, sometimes with a bit of folk and sometimes they sound very Indie. But in the end they are themselves with a personal, unique style and in which they flirt with the stage, talking a lot with their glances and catching us with a voice that does not go unnoticed, obviously with an uncomparable musical quality.
They present their new video in Barcelona for everyone who wants to come see them, they will play their songs and share their soul with us, enough reasons for us not to miss them.

Fritz es guitarrista de Berlin, Ester es chelista de Figueres, juntos son un grupo que ha llamado nuestra atención, desde cerca suenan a Sigur Rós con unos ecos al estilo Russian Red, a veces con un poco de folk y en ocasiones suenan muy Indie, pero al final ellos mismos con un estilo personal, único y en el que ellos coquetean con el escenario, hablando mucho con sus miradas y atrapando con una voz que no pasa desapercibida, obviamente con una calidad musical inigualable.
Presentan su nuevo video en Barcelona para todo el mundo que quiera venir a verlos, tocarán sus temas y compartirán su alma con nosotros, motivos suficientes para que no nos lo perdamos.