There are so many things we can say about Cora Novoa. First of all, we LOVE her music. We’ve been listening to her tunes on repeat. Second of all, she has some serious style. Punctual and impeccably dressed, Cora arrives to meet us and leaves a stunning impression on us: talented, smart and modest, with kind eyes under her signature fringe.
Originally from Galicia, Cora has been in the music industry for more than 10 years, having lived in Berlin, Madrid and Barcelona. The artist has her own recording label, which is a clothes brand at the same time – Seeking the Velvet (SKTVT).
Look out for Cora’s third album as well as her set on Sonar 2018 this year.
What is your main inspiration doing music?
My experiences and my passions.
I love working with concepts, exploring and studying what inspires me at the moment: mythology, symbolism, love, spirituality, classical culture, etc.
What are you looking forward to in 2018?
To release my third album, to release my new live with a modular synthesizer and a rhythm machine at MUTEK Montreal, to launch the collaboration I have made with the French artist CAR and a parallel project that we will launch through Seeking The Velvet and which I can not reveal much about right now. It’s one of the most ambitious projects I’ve embarked on, so I’m looking forward to seeing how people and press receive it.
What’s your favourite place in Barcelona?
I have been living in Barcelona for more than 8 years now and I feel it is one of my homes. At first I had a love-hate relationship with it, but a few months ago I was living in London for some time, and that’s when I really realized what this city means to me. Many times you only realize what you have until you lose it.
And what’s your favourite place in the whole world?
Ourense, Galicia.
Miña terra galega

¿Cuál es tu principal inspiración en el momento de hacer tu música?
Me encanta trabajar con conceptos, explorar y estudiar lo que me inspira en ese momento: mitología, simbología, el amor, la espiritualidad, la cultura clásica, etc.
Miña terra galega