The enigmatic redhead Ivana Ray Singh appears in one of her signature kimonos (Ivana tells that some of her earliest memories are of the feel of her parents’ silk kimonos as she was cradled as a baby, so to her they are a symbol of their love and a talisman). Ivana Ray Singh (Rising and /or Singing Light ) is actually a beautiful pseudonym for Lucy Tcherno-Ivanenko, Menorca born artist.
Ivana is a known character in the underground culture of Barcelona, founder and co-director of Màgia Roja label, agency and venue for 9 years, before moving on to create A Love Supreme – platform and festival for Supreme music and a name for herself as a DJ in 2017.
In March 2018 she began a post-industrial music duo: Amas, with Maria Gata Santa (also a renown DJ), inspired by the brave Japanese female divers that risk their lives diving to find pearls, she states that this project brings “pearls of Wisdom” from the darkest depths of consciousness.
Catch Ivana Ray Singh @Sonar Thursday 14th at 13h, where she will share her meditative and psychedelic sounds.
Whats a thing you look most forward to this year?
I look forward to performing live with Amas, we’re looking to do our first concert in September or October, if all goes well with my Australian friends Dream Mirror I met in a cafè in Paris while we were both waiting for a Tarot reading by Jodorowsky (out of about 50 people only 22 of us had our name pulled out of a hat).
Out of about 50 people only 22 of us had our name pulled out of a hat
It turned out to be his apprentice who only spoke French or Italian, so I offered to be their interpreter. Magickally the next stop on their European tour was Barcelona and the only place they had found to play at was Màgia Roja but they hadn’t got in touch yet…So I invited them to stay at my home.
What’s your next project?
To finish and bring to light my solo music I’ve been working on for the last year…and bring down the Patriarchy through Love-Terrorism.
What’s your favorite place in Barcelona?
My favorite places in Barcelona are sacred to me and I try to keep them hidden, so that they may keep their essence. They can be simple places, a “bodega” that has the perfect amount of light and tables that are close enough for you to feel a part of the collective family and tucked away enough to be able to hatch secret plans.
My favorite places in Barcelona are sacred to me and I try to keep them hidden, so that they may keep their essence.
Or beautiful tiny streets, views and abandoned houses I find walking in “dérive”, an unplanned journey guided by intuition in which you allow creativity to take over and discover mysterious things, to me this is a form of Magick. Often these places are made beautiful by the poetry created by the people you share a moment with, like riding on the back of a friend’s bicycle through the streets at night in the rain, laughing and singing in a group.
De aproximadamente 50 personas, solo 22 de nosotros tuvimos nuestro nombre sacado de un sombrero
Mis lugares favoritos en Barcelona son sagrados para mí y trato de mantenerlos ocultos, para que puedan mantener su esencia.