Beige Brick, photographer and independent filmmaker, recently graduated from the Kingston School of Art in London, is the perfect cocktail of spontaneity and chemistry.
His photographs, taken with the SX70 Sonar One Step inherited from his grandfather, are an act of simplicity and intuition almost familiar.
Thanks to his character and a hint of humor, he experiences the moment capturing the daily scene. It achieves that every failure of development and unpredictability of the emulsion process becomes an apparently unconcerned reflection of realism and naturalness of that precise moment.
His Instagram is a breath of vitality and expression thanks to the care with which he composes the final editing. The definitive frame where he exhibits in the most varied backgrounds playing again with the impulsiveness of the captures perfectly framed.
Beige Brick, fotógrafo y cineasta independiente recientemente graduado en la Kingston School of Art de Londres, es el cocktail perfecto de espontaneidad y química.
Sus fotografías, tomadas con la SX70 Sonar One Step heredada de su abuelo, son un acto de sencillez e intuición casi familiares.
Gracias a su carácter y una pizca de humor, experimenta el momento capturando la escena cotidiana. Consigue que cada fallo de revelado e imprevisibilidad del proceso de emulsión se conviertan en un reflejo aparentemente despreocupado de realismo y naturalidad de ese preciso instante.
Su Instagram es un soplo de vitalidad y expresión gracias al cuidado con el que compone el montaje final. El marco definitivo donde expone en fondos de lo más variopintos jugando de nuevo con la impulsividad de las capturas perfectamente encuadradas.