Barbara Schieb is a German photographer with a strong foundation in various art forms, including drawing, painting, printmaking, and graphic design. With over ten years of experience in the arts, she has developed a deep understanding of how different disciplines intersect and influence each other. Since 2020, Barbara has been focused on instant photography, particularly using Polaroid film, as a way to explore and push the boundaries of analog photography.

Barbara’s approach to photography is hands-on and experimental. She doesn’t rely on digital retouching; instead, she uses analog techniques and self-made tools to manipulate her images. This can involve anything from using custom filters and splitzers to physically altering the photographic emulsion. She enjoys working at the intersection of photography and other art forms, blending these disciplines to create work that’s both visually striking and conceptually rich.

A key theme in Barbara’s work is the exploration of identity and perception. Her self-portraits, for example, are not just about capturing her likeness—they’re a way for her to delve into her own identity and challenge societal expectations. She also draws inspiration from everyday objects and scenes, transforming them into images that feel both familiar and strange.

Barbara’s creative process is deeply influenced by her diverse artistic background and her passion for experimenting. Whether she’s starting with a clear concept or letting her ideas evolve naturally, her work is always about exploring new possibilities within the medium of instant photography. She’s particularly drawn to the way Polaroid photography offers both immediacy and a chance to slow down in a fast-paced digital world.

This September, Barbara Schieb will be exhibiting her work at the ImageNation show in Milan. If you’re interested in photography that combines a deep understanding of traditional art forms with a modern, experimental edge, Barbara’s work is definitely worth checking out. It’s also a great opportunity to meet her in person and learn more about her process and what drives her creativity. Follow her work, and don’t miss the chance to see her live in Milan.