Maxime Fardeau is a 28-year old self-taught photographer from Paris. Instant photography represents a major part of his work as he likes the simplicity of the process and its authenticity. The pictures come out as they are, unaltered, no filter.
Maxime Fardeau draws inspiration from Garry Winogrand, Saul Leiter, Shoji Ueda and Robert Frank – Maxime also loves street photography, and we are happy to share his project “Instant Street Photography”.
Maxime’s pictures are very expressive, he manages to transmit a slightly melancholic yet dynamic mood to his spectators.
Maxime Fardeau draws inspiration from Garry Winogrand, Saul Leiter, Shoji Ueda and Robert Frank – Maxime also loves street photography, and we are happy to share his project “Instant Street Photography”.
Maxime’s pictures are very expressive, he manages to transmit a slightly melancholic yet dynamic mood to his spectators. (Polaroid tumblr) (35mm and medium format photography)

Maxime Fardeau es un fotógrafo autodidacta de 28 años proveniente de París. La Fotografía Instantánea representa una parte importante de su trabajo, dado a que como a le gusta la simplicidad del proceso y su autenticidad, las fotos salen como son, sin alteraciones, sin filtro.
Maxime Fardeau se inspira en Garry Winogrand, Saul Leiter, Shoji Ueda y Robert Frank. Maxime es apasionado también la fotografía urbana, y del que estamos estamos felices de poder compartir su proyecto “Instant Street Photography”.
Las fotos de Maxime son muy expresivas, y se las arregla para transmitir un estado de ánimo dinámico y ligeramente melancólico a sus espectadores.