Laure Briard es una de esas artistas francesas imprescindibles. Su pop atemporal nos evoca los grandes momentos de la chanson de una forma peculiar, como si se ... r e a d m o r e
La canción "Golpes" de Sierra es muy especial para Miguel Atienza, uno de los agitadores más activos de la escena musical underground barcelonesa. Se trata de l... r e a d m o r e
La irrupción de Yumi Yumi Hip Hop en nuestro panorama musical ha resultado ser un golpe de aire fresco. En menos de un año, su enérgico pop se ha ganado el cari... r e a d m o r e
Chris Cohen es uno de los artistas más especiales del catálogo de Captured Tracks, sello indie de referencia que ya le ha editado dos trabajos al artista califo... r e a d m o r e
This year has been very special for Papa Topo, one of our most beloved groups. Special for basically two reasons: first, because Elefant have published their en... r e a d m o r e
After the commotion of their debut cassette Damp Face Ep (Burger Records, 2012), La Luz published Weirdo Shrine last year, their second album with the label Har... r e a d m o r e
Juniore are on the news again because Burger Records has just collected in a cassette all the songs that were previously released in their first two singles and... r e a d m o r e
"Sometimes" is one of the first singles of Oscar, a young Londoner who practices the musical genre that was baptized a few years ago with the name of bedroom po... r e a d m o r e
The Goon Sax is a very young Australian trio that with its debut album, called Up To Anything (Chapter Music, 2016), has caught the attention of pop fans around... r e a d m o r e
There are few groups as Double Pletina, if any. Their second LP called "Así es como escapó" (Jabalina, 2016) can be seen from its recent launch as one of the mo... r e a d m o r e