Mads Madison is an unusual artist. He seeks art in the recycled materials, for he strongly believes we must damage this world s little as possible. For this purpose he has created Wasted Films –  recycled bits and pieces of photography declared ‘trash’ beforehand.

Mads believes that by deconstruction, the original message is distorted and its meaning shifted. It leads to a multiverse of interpretational facets and fragments, leaving the audience orphaned with a mix of conflicting feelings and thoughts.
Apart from being a photographer, Mads also enjoys skateboarding, which we strongly empathise with.
Mads Madison es un artista inusual. Busca arte en los materiales reciclados, porque cree firmemente que debemos hacer el menos daño posible a este mundo. Para ello, ha creado Wasted Films: fragmentos y piezas de fotografías recicladas declaradas “basura” por adelantado.
Mads cree que por deconstrucción, el mensaje original se distorsiona y su significado cambia. Conduce a un multiverso de facetas y fragmentos interpretativos, dejando al público huérfano con una mezcla de sentimientos y pensamientos en conflicto.
Además de ser fotógrafo, Mads es un skater, con lo que nos identificamos de una forma personal.