Mareta Bufona come from Vilanova i la Geltru. We meet the band on Plaza Real, near Sidecar, where the band is going to have a concert that night. The four smiling guys are snacking on some sandwiches and drinking 0% beer (because concert). The band instantly makes a positive impression on us. We almost didn’t want to say goodbye after we took the pictures.
The band’s name “Mareta Bufona” comes from an old Pau Riba song. They actually don’t like the song, but they find the name largely cute. According to the band, Mareta Bufona make music because they have a good time and they enjoy their beers, Brew Dogs and kebabs, while doing it.
Catch them at Vida Festival this year!
What’s your favourite place in Catalunya?
Soto del Real! And also Rambla de la Pau in Vilanova i la Geltru, where Sergi, one of the band’s members has a herbal shop.
What’s your favourite place in the rest of the world?
Also Soto del Real.