I have always had huge respect for people who dedicate their lives to the dispersion of music, and especially for those who make this passion their lifestyle.
By chance I had my first encounter with Deer Du Bois having a wine in my quiet neighborhood in Barcelona and I took the opportunity to make a snapshot that might continue creating the mystery around him, and it could not have been better, with wine bottles as background protagonists.
I recommend you to visit his page, his music charts are like rays of light for me since I’ve met him for the first time.
Siempre he sentido mucho respeto por personas que se dedican a la divulgación musical, y especialmente a quienes llevan esa pasión como estilo de vida.
Por cosas de la vida tuve mi primer encuentro con Deer Du Bois tomando un vino en mi tranquilo barrio en Barcelona y aproveché para hacerle una instantánea que siguiera creando el misterio en torno a su persona, y no podia haber quedado mejor, con las botellas de vino de fondo como protagonistas.
Os recomiendo que visitéis su página, sus listas musicales son como rayos de luz para mi desde que lo conozco.