The Goon Sax is a very young Australian trio that with its debut album, called Up To Anything (Chapter Music, 2016), has caught the attention of pop fans around the world. Yes, it is true that the fact that one member is the son of Robert Forster (The Go-Betweens) has contributed to it, but the hype is completely justified attending to their simple but captivating pop compositions. An example is the hit ‘Boyfriend’, with those catchy guitar riffs, and that wonderful bass line among many of its virtues.


The Goon Sax es un jovencísimo trio australiano que con su disco de debut, titulado Up To Anything (Chapter Music, 2016), ha captado la atención de los amantes del pop de medio mundo. Si bien es verdad que a ello ha contribuido el hecho de que uno de los miembros sea hijo de Robert Forster (The Go Betweens), el hype está completamente justificado atendiendo a sus composiciones pop sencillas pero cautivadoras. Como ejemplo el hit ‘Boyfriend’, con ese punteo de guitarra tan pegadizo y esa maravillosa línea de bajo entre muchas de sus virtudes.

Author: CICA