Marta Casanova, better known as MAVICA, is a composer and guitarist born in Cartagena (Spain). Self-taught, she learned to express through music everything her young soul had to tell. Amongst her influencers, she counts powerful names like Amy Winehouse, Bon Iver or Sufjan Stevens. Their music has been shaping MAVICA’s own style, her personal brand, and everything that she has created from her music.
MAVICA and her guitar, now installed in London, are in constant creation. In one of her promotional trips we were able to capture her, and here we share her most human and delicate part, the moments in which Marta allowed us to explore her soul and merge it in our eternal instant moment.
Her voice full of energy and her sensitive and powerful voice speak for themselves. Her music is a must if you look for answers in your own long silence.


Marta Casanova, mas conocida como MAVICA, es una compositora y guitarrista nacida en Cartagena (España). De forma autodidacta aprendió a expresar a través de la música todo lo que su joven alma tenía que contar, y a partir de influencias tan potentes como Amy Winehouse, Bon Iver o Sufjan Stevens, ha ido dando forma a su propio estilo, a su marca personal, a todo un mundo que ella ha creado a partir de su música.
MAVICA y su guitarra, ahora instaladas en Londres, están en constante creación. En uno de sus viajes de promoción pudimos capturarla para nuestro lente, y aquí os dejamos su parte mas humana, mas sensible y delicada, los instantes en que Marta nos dejó indagar en su alma y fundirla en nuestro eterno instante.
Su voz llena de energía y su sensible y potente voz hablan por ella. Imperdible si buscas encontrar respuestas en tus silencios.