“Bedrooms” es uno de los hits que encontramos en el tercer disco de Evripidis and His Tragedies (Futile Games In Space And Time, Snap! Clap! / Canadá, 2016). En el videoclip realizado por Nicholas Prakas para la ocasión, podemos ver a un Evripidis que baila solo en Nueva York, mientras canta una letra ocurrente que parece contener referencias autobiográficas. Esas imágenes se alternan con otras del cantante y de algunos amigos suyos en la intimidad de sus respectivas habitaciones. Todo ello para ilustrar una canción preciosa, con cierto poso agridulce, en la que se respiran los aires Motown que tanto influyeron a artistas suecos como Johan Angergård (Labrador Records).

“Bedrooms” is one of the hits we discovered in the third album of Evripidis and His Tragedies (Futile Games in Space and Time, Snap! Clap! / Canada, 2016). In the video clip made by Nicholas Prakas for the occasion, we can find Evripidis dancing alone in New York, while singing some witty lyrics that appear to contain autobiographical references. These images alternate with other scenes where the singer and some of his friends spend time in the privacy of their rooms. All this to illustrate a beautiful song, with some bittersweet grounds, where you can breathe the air of Motown, which influenced both Swedish artists like Johan Angergard (Labrador Records).


Author: CICA